Our Team

Our Experience is the Difference

Our Team

RC Caldwell, BSIE, MSE
CEO & President - Adjunct Professor, Wright State
RC is an Operational Excellence Transformational Leader. He has over thirty-five years of management, engineering, and manufacturing experience from Johnson & Johnson, General Motors, Goodrich Aerospace, Cintas, and Sinclair Community College in the United States, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and China. He led the Global Supplier Excellence Partner Development group that resolved critical quality and capacity problems at strategic suppliers. His expertise assists and guides companies in transforming their organization to global excellence through product innovation, Lean Six Sigma improvements, and self-directed teams for superior products and services. His specialty is solving dynamic bottlenecks in manufacturing plants to increase capacity and revenue. He was an Associate Industrial and Systems Engineering Technology Professor at Sinclair Community College for eight years and returned in 2021 as an Adjunct ISET Professor. In 2022 he started teaching Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt as an Adjunct Professor at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine. RC is certified as a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Lean Sensei. He has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and a Master of Science in Engineering from Wright State University. RC is a proud member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers and the National Society of Black Engineers.
Andrew Lux, BSMetE, MSE, MBA, PhD
Principal Consultant - Adjunct Professor, Ohio State
Andrew Lux Ph.D. is an Operations and Technical leader with extensive experience in overseeing and directing global operations within Class II and Class III medical device and pharmaceuticals manufacturing firms. His expertise ranges in leading business transformations (turnarounds), coordinating and leading strategic acquisition, business development transactions and revenue growth strategies for startup and midsized companies. His background is in directing companies ranging from start-ups to multimillion-dollar global business, including divisions for Johnson & Johnson, GE, Medtronic, Baxter, and others. He is skilled at building new operational infrastructures or turning around underperforming facilities to drive exceptional growth for expansions or position for acquisition. Andy has successfully implemented world-class manufacturing programs using Lean Six Sigma processes at J&J, Medtronic, GE and Baxter. Because of his technical background he has been repeatedly sought out to help maximize operational performance within engineering, quality, and operations functions. He has taught Courses in Operations Management, Statistics, Material Science, Lean Six Sigma, Business Development & Entrepreneurship. He is an adjunct professor at the Ohio State University and University of Dayton. Andy has MS and PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MBA from Case Western Reserve University, and a BS from Cleveland State University. He holds certifications as Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Quality Systems Manager. Andrew is Founder and President of JL Enterprise Group Inc.

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